The Sujoy Ghosh thriller drama Kahaani 2 managed to earn rs. 11.04 crore in first two days of it's release. The trade analyst Taran Adarsh made it to social media and shared, “#Kahaani2 saw 36.24% growth on Day 2… Sun should add to a respectable total… Fri 4.25 cr, Sat 5.79 cr. Total: ₹ 10.04 cr [1235 screens].”
Kahaani 2 has Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal in the lead roles. And the film collected a decent amount of rs. 4.58 crores on Friday.Nearly in 1235 cinemas the movie has been released all over India.So as per the performance so far, movie is expected earn average on box office.
Also, Dear Zindagi starring King Khan SRK and Alia Bhatt has a total box office collection of rs. 2.25 crores on the day 8. This film is expected to cross rs. 50 Crores in upcoming days.
Taran shared, “#DearZindagi [Week 2] Fri 2.25 cr. Total: ₹ 49.25 cr. India biz… Will cross ₹ 50 cr mark today [Sat].”
People appreciate the performances of Vidya Balan and Arjun Rampal in movie. But at the same time, the only drawback with the film is that second half becomes quite predictable.
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