Papa Mono
"Papá Mono" is a comedy series by Canal Parox Producciones, directed by Cristóbal Valderrama, Javier Estévez and Rodrigo Herrera, executive production by Matías Ovalle and written by Hernán Rodríguez Matte (La Colonia)Luis Gnecco has been one of the Chilean actors of the year. Starring in the movie "Neruda" and wandering around the red carpets of what contest was invited, this time lands on the screens of Canal 13 to be part of a new and crazy comedy.
Synopsis of Papa Mono: Chilean Telenovela
It is "Papa Mono", written by Hernán Rodríguez Matte. and tells the story of Francisca (Mariana Loyola) who lives alone with her son Nico (Lukas Vergara) after her husband leaves them to go with another woman, so both of them have to cope alone.When seeing his mother overcome with the things of the house and the work, Nico decides to ask for help and calls his grandfather Caco Martínez (Luis Gnecco), who is good for the holidays, for the women, the alcohol, he is lazy and vividor but he has a good heart.
Together they will experience adventures and misadventures with the few conventional methods of Caco to solve the problems that are presented to them, but that finally always end up helping Francisca and Nico.
Review about this telenovela"I think it's going to refresh the screen. It is an irreverent comedy, but with a heart. It has humor and emotion. What we can expect from this series is to laugh and get excited. The public will feel identified because it is an ordinary family, unconventional, that reflects all the conflicts of a family relationship.
But also how that love and love helps to get ahead, from a more playful and entertaining side of what Is shown on television. It's a very crazy comedy and irreverent but recognizable and anchored in reality, "says in a statement Matías Ovalle, executive producer of the new production of the former channel of the angel.
"Papa Mono", whose cast is completed by Marcial Tagle, Néstor Cantillana and Begoña Basauri, among others, still has no release date, but we leave you with the first images:
Cast of Papa Mono: Chilean Telenovela
Luis Gnecco as Caco MartínezMariana Loyola as Francisca
Marcial Tagle
Lukas Vergara as Nico
Néstor Cantillana
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